Thursday, 12 March 2015

Thursday evening we have left Bugsworth as our 48 hours of mooring time has expired it was still very windy in the  basin area making moving interesting but as soon as we left it we were into shelter and the wind was not a problem and we travelled on to our mooring for tonight just past new Mills of the sweet factory fame .
We are in the woods ,no roads near just a very very muddy tow path with the occasional dog walker or cyclist there is a railway line on the hillside above us one just below and another over the valley
but there is only a subdued hum from the nearest when a train passes .
Tomorrow we will move a little further , our target is to back at Poynton on Saturday as Hilary would like to be back at Kirkby for mothers day.

Looking up into Bugsworth basin , Sybil just through the bridge,the narrow part in front is where the boats leaving were gauged ie measured to see how deep they floated and therefore how heavy the load was

Whaley basin  , the town at the head of the navigation 

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