Friday, 29 August 2014

Still on the River Weaver having travelled as far upstream as possible we are now exploring the lower reaches although I don't think we can reach the lowest part which ends in Runcorn docks  next to the Manchester Ship Canal which again we can not access without special permission and an extra licence .
As we need to return to home for a few days it will be back up the Anderton Lift soon and Sybil will be  taken to the marina next week and we will let Enterprise collect us again.
One thing I forgot to put in the last post was our hesitant exit from the lift when we reached the lower level the guillotine gate started to rise but then stuck nearly open , after a brief pause  it was lowered nearly back down and then  back up still no good so back down again then the operator went off for a consultation ,
returning after a few minutes , then a  third attempt , success at last we emerged to an expectant group of spectators all with cameras at the ready  and received  a round of applause.

This is Hilarys new friend Raggs she is travelling on "Ouse Dunit "along with Paul and Helen , they are all 
from York .
Raggs was a rescue dog and had a broken leg which didn't heal and left her with a floppy leg but she can still run well especially after a ball.

The old ICI works loading bay on the bank of the Weaver a bit like a giant climbing frame 

Here we are on the river bank just above the Vale Royal locks
upstream of Anderton 

And this is us moored at Devils Garden downstream of Anderton 

Quite a large heap of salt on the river bank one of the products of Northwichs industry .

Here we are in one of the locks along with two other narrow boats
space for a few more  .

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