Friday, 30 May 2014

Friday a lazy day after the exertions of yesterday a greater part of this morning was spent trying to find a mooring for Sybil  and succeeded when a lady rang me back from France ! she was the manager for one of the marinas we wanted to try and was away for a few days . hows that for good service ,after that a train ticket was the next challenge easy to book on line but then the problems started as  our chosen departure station was unmanned and did`nt have a ticket machine so we have to get on with no tickets and collect them halfway at Birmingham despite two calls to India and a very helpful guy at Midland rail I think , the only answer is to rely on the good sense of the inspector
It does`nt seem like we have been out for five weeks already but what I have missed least is the chaos and noise of towns and roads normally we creep down a green and quiet waterway into and through towns and cities and under roads only popping up to see and collect what we want and then back down and moving on again, many people don`t even know we are there.
Returning home on Monday will be a nightmare trains people ,traffic and noise.
We did  venture into town today to visit  Morrisons for supplies but when you have to carry all on your back it really does reduce impulse shopping.
We shall move on tomorrow as this mooring is a maximum of forty eight hours , heading north up TheStaffordshire and Worcester.

As we came down the locks yesterday we passed this chimney around three hundred feet at least I guess 
look closely you can see  a ladder up the left side it`s fixed Fred Dibnah style  with ropes etc what you cant see is in the picture below

This guy was just below the top at least two more were on top , the ladder was the only way up
they deserve all they get paid and more

surprise surprise  no rain today

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